JESUS CHRIST ENCOUNTERS is an expression of ‘Jesus Unhindered Ministry’ led by Pastor Victoria Orenze. J.C.E’s purpose by instruction is to introduce Jesus to the unbelievers and re-introduce Jesus to the believers. Not the traditional, tribal, political, cultural Jesus, nor the Jesus we have made Him, but the Jesus in the bible, the One who is LOVE. The one who loves the sinner but hates the sin.
Should you experience an issue in trying to give through any of the public links, or are you considering giving a sum beyond what you may be able to do through any of the public giving channels, please send an email to and we will be in touch with you. Please do not send your bank card details or any other personal financial details via the form or through email.
JCE will go from country to country as led by the Lord, to organise revival meetings, conferences and crusades until the knowledge of the glory of God covers the Earth as waters covers the seas!
Minister Dunsin Oyekan
Pastor Nathaniel Bassey
Prophetess Tiphani Montgomery
Pastor Victoria Orenze
Plus a few other Senior Ministers of God(TO BE REVEALED LATER)
“Disciples Gathering”
It’s Two days of teaching, praying, worshipping, equipping and preparing the brides of Jesus Christ for His return. It is open to word/music ministers, Teachers, pastors, prophets, evangelist, apostles, church administrators, children church teachers, head of departments etc.
Day 3 (3pm to 10pm)
“Jesus Christ Encounter Night”
A night with Jesus Christ the Son, The Holy Spirit and God the father! A night of Encounters and Revival!